I'm Treyden, a transdisciplinary performer, experimental storyteller, and creative technologist focused on designing meaningful experiences integrating art, science, technology, and faith. With a symbiotic relationship between scientific research, aesthetic narrative, and new media, I strive to cultivate work which illuminates our inherent belonging.
Working with world-renown choreographers and professors, I received my bachelors degree in dance from the Juilliard School. While studying, I worked as a director leading small design teams with Juilliard's Innovation in the Arts Department. Currently I am a freelance Director, Digital Designer, Filmmaker, Technologist and Performer.
Art Direction /  Cinematography / Photography / Choreography / Acting / Dance / Endurance Performance Script Writing / Film Editor & Colorist / Digital Drafting / 3d Modeling / Virtual Environments / Sound Mixing / Interactive Technology / Wearable Machines / Collaborative Costume & Set Design / Dynamic  Interdisciplinary  Scoring / Collaborative Music Composition / Architectural Design / Hardware & Software Development
Adobe Creative Suite / Qlab / Final Cut / Art Rage /  DaVinci Resolve / OBS / Unity / Substance 3D / Solidworks / Artivive / Spark AR / Abelton Live / Max/MSP / Logic / Resolume / Blender / Cinema 4D / Gravity Sketch / Mozilla HUBS / Touchdesigner / Processing / Auto CAD